Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 6, 2017

Wastewater regeneration

"Water which, having already been used by the party producing it, and before being returned to public channels, is applied to other successive uses". Therefore, it consists of reusing water that has been treated following a "regeneration" process.

Regenerated water is a solution to excess demand in areas where there are insufficient natural water resources. This way, water resources management can be increased and improved, using water of different qualities, depending on its final use.

The most widespread use for regenerated water is irrigation, accounting 80% of the total, with the catering of golf courses and use by local authorities for washing streets and watering parks and gardens accounting for 12%.

There are different technologies applicable to water regeneration, and the most important are the following:
  • Physical-chemical treatments.
    • Coagulation
    • Flocculation
    • Lamellar decanting
  • Filtering.
    • Through sand
      • Conventional
      • Filtration bed
    • Ring filtration
    • Membrane filtration
      • Microfiltration
      • Ultrafiltration
      • Nanofiltration
  • Disinfection.
    • Using UV radiation
    • Using chlorination
    • Using ozonisation
  • Removal of salt.
    • By reverse osmosis
    • By reversible electrodialysis
NTESCO has successfully applied most of these techniques in its projects, and has different research lines aimed at optimising water regeneration processes.

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