Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Why do I need a water filter

You may be asking, “Why do I need a water filter?” Water can contain sediment, chemicals, and all sorts of impurities that affect the taste and smell of water. Installing a water filtration system can give you healthy, clean drinking water. And when water smells and tastes better, you’ll find yourself drinking more. Here, we provide helpful information about all things water. From water treatment FAQs and a water term dictionary, to explanations of the four general methods for treating water.

Reverse Osmosis: Is a process for the reduction of dissolved ions (such as salts) from water in which pressure is employed to force liquid (water) through a semi-permeable membrane, which will transmit the water but reject most other dissolved materials. When forced against the membrane surface, the dissolved materials are repelled, while the water molecules are diffused through the membrane molecule by molecule, forming purer water on the other side. Find out more on reverse osmosis installation or learn more about RO systems.

Ultraviolet: Sunlight has long since been known to kill micro-organisms. The rays from the sun contain the UV *spectrum used in Ultraviolet Water Treatment Systems – although at much lower intensities. It is also referred to as either the Germicidal Spectrum or Frequency. The frequency used in killing micro-organisms is 254 nanometers (nm). The UV lamps used are designed specifically to have the highest amount of UV energy at this frequency.

Filtration: A process in which water passes through a water system that may include one or more filters for the purpose of removing turbidity, taste, color, iron or odor. The design can be loose media tank-type systems or cartridge devices. In general the process may include mechanical, adsorptive, neutralizing and catalyst/oxidizing filters.

Distillation: Is the process in which a liquid such as water is converted by heating, into a vapor state, and the vapor cooled and condensed to a liquid state and collected. It is the process of removing the liquid (water) from its constituents or contaminants; as compared to other processes where contaminants are removed from the water (liquid). Distilled water is water that has been purified by passing through one or more evaporation –condensation cycles and contains essentially no dissolved solids. Distillation requires a lot of energy to produce a small amount of purified water and we do not carry distillation systems.

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